Below are the services offered by John P. Broomfield, Consulting Engineer Specialist in the Corrosion of Steel in Concrete:
Evaluation of Corrosion Damaged Reinforced or Prestressed Concrete Structures
Recommendations, Designs and Specifications for repair and rehabilitation
- Cathodic Protection
- Electrochemical Cloride Extraction
- Realkalisation
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Patch Repairs
- Barriers to Ingress
Design for Durability
- Durability Modelling
- Mix Design Evaluations
- Corrosion Resistant Reinforcement
- Epoxy Coated Rebar
- Stainless Steel & Stainless Clad Rebar
- Corrosion Inhibitors
Early 20th Century Steel Framed Building
Permanent Corrosion Monitoring
BGB Projects has now transferred its intellectual property in corrosion monitoring to BAC Corrosion Control. For further information
John Broomfield is joint owner of BGB Projects Ltd which provides corrosion rate measurement equipment for reinforced concrete structures. you can download our:
Litigation, Arbitration and patents
Dr Broomfield has undertaken expert witness reports, depositions and court appearances in cases in the USA, Europe, Africa, Australia and the UK.
Product Development & Marketing Training
- Individual tailored training, 1 to 10 days
- Group training in assessment, rehabilitation, cathodic protection etc.
- Courses at our premises or clients, UK or overseas